Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Lucky One.

First of all, I'd like to say thank you to everyone who read my first blog. I appreciate all the likes, sweet comments, shares, and conversations about my sweet boy. The outpouring of love and support is truly heartwarming and we all need a little encouragement sometimes. I feel like the Grinch. My heart has grown two sizes! It's amazing how much you can learn about someone's heart with a little blog about a sweet, Winnie the Pooh loving little man.

Secondly, many people have said that Noah is so lucky to have a family like us. Or how lucky he is to have a mother like me. That's one of the sweetest things I've ever been told. And to each of you that said that, I say thank you from the bottom of my heart. But, I have to disagree. Not because I think Noah is unlucky to have a mother like me or a family like ours but because I am definitely the lucky one in this situation. Noah doesn't care if I burn the cookies. He is unaffected if he doesn't have the latest fashions. He smiles at me just the same whether I've had the worst day or the best day. His unconditional love and affection is never ending and I am undoubtedly the lucky one. I've said before that I thought I'd be doing all the teaching and Noah would be doing all the learning. But, alas I was wrong. And funnily enough, it makes no never mind to Noah that I was wrong in that assumption. He teaches me something about the human condition everyday. And I grow more and more thankful everyday that God placed this tiny human in my care. So, I've decided with this blog that I will further explain why I am the Lucky One. 

Noah has a bond with me that I cannot explain. And if I did have an explanation, it would do no justice for it. He has different bonds with everyone. He'll sit and look at the fish with his nanny for hours. So intrigued. So innocent and curious. He and Nanny will swing and swing and swing singing "Old McDonald Had a Farm." He stacks his pegs with his PawPaw. So meticulously. He'll sit in the crook of PawPaw's arm and watch country music videos. Noah will wrestle in the floor with AJ for days on end. Vigorously. He'll let AJ swing him around for what seems like an eternity. And with me, well let's just say he will lay so still under the covers in my bed and watch the Braves until he can't hold his eyes open any more. He'll bump my fist and watch it explode over and over and over. Giggling the whole time. He has different ways to love all of us. And there's a special place in Heaven for Noah's kind heart.

Noah gives the best hugs. He hugs with his whole body. There's nothing like coming home after a hideous day at work and you walk in the door and you're greeted with a precious smile and a full body hug. His hugs have meaning and warmth as if he's saying, "Mama, I know you've had a tough day, but thanks for coming home because, I'm so glad to see you!" His kisses are the same way. He grabs my face like we're in a Hollywood chick flick! He comes at me with gusto and lays one on me. He often comes into my room when he wakes up and showers his mama with sugars and hugs! The sweetest way to wake up. How can you have a bad day now? I challenge you to try. It's absolutely impossible.

As all of you know, I work in dialysis. It's an early morning start. So I'm usually up and out the door at 3:00 AM. Not the easiest when you're raising a toddler but Noah is more than worth it. By the time Noah is awake, Mama is long gone and working. I have on occasion looked at my phone after a particularly tough morning and PawPaw has text me a sweet picture of Noah sound asleep in my bed. He was not there when I left that morning I'm sure. Nanny assures me that it's comforting to him to be able to smell me and what perfect place to do that but in my bed. How sweet is that?!

Last but not least Noah's love of hand holding. I remember when he was less than six months old. I couldn't wait until we could walk hand in hand. There's nothing like walking down the street and you look down and a sweet little hand has a death grip on yours. It's warm and comforting. He'll walk miles just holding onto me. And every now and then, he'll look up at me and smile. I dread the day when he feels like he doesn't need to hold my hand. Until that day, I'll soak up every step and walk hand in hand with the boy who stole my heart without even trying.

So you see, I am without question the lucky one. Smiles when I'm sad. Hugs when I'm hurt. Kisses when I'm tired. I am forever in debt to this little boy who barely talks. I can't imagine how he'll enrich my life when he starts talking. It will only make life better and more worth it. Noah was not a planned baby. Life happens when you make plans, I've been told. Imagine where we'd be if he had been part of the plan. Regardless, I wouldn't dare change a thing. Everything happens for a reason and I can't wait to see where Noah takes us. I know it will be somewhere worthwhile. And I'm along for every step...

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